If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it a million times: your professional resume is beyond important. In the grand scheme of things, your resume is the most effective way you can advertise yourself to potential employers. It’s the one place you can bombard the company you want to work for with all of your qualifications in one place. Unfortunately, it is a rare resume that will really grab the attention of an employer. On average, a recruiter or business owner only take eight to ten seconds to look at your resume and cover letter. This means if you really want the job, you’re going to have to do more than simply list off every place you have worked. Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the more in depth aspects of resumes, specifically good ones.

The Two Formats You Can Choose From

There are two different formats you can write your resume in. Depending on your industry or the job you are applying for, you may be able to pick which one is better for you. Let’s talk about the differences between the two.

Chronological Resumes

For most people, this is the type of resume they are most familiar with. It’s simple format includes listing your employment in chronological order from the most recent position you held to jobs that came before that. You then list your education, as well as your skills. Who should use a chronological resume?

  • People who have a stable work history with limited breaks between employment
  • People who are planning on gaining a job in their same field
  • People who can show that they were given increased responsibility and/or higher position levels at past jobs
  • People who recognize that their past job titles match the job requirements for the job they are now applying for

Functional Resumes

Functional resumes do not focus so much on the positions you’ve held in the past as they do on the skills and accomplishments you can claim because of these past jobs. It’s all about experience handling certain tasks and situations when you are using a functional resume.  Who should use one of these resumes?

  • People who have recently graduated or who are hoping to switch career paths entirely
  • Those who are wanting to highlight a specific skill or knowledge set that they have that makes them a great candidate for a specific position
  • People who are entering the job market again after being absent from it for a while
  • People who have a lot of different work experiences, none of which are really related to one another

What Other Information MUST Be Included In Your Resume

While you are in charge of how you choose your display the information on your resume, there are several things that have to be included in order to even make you a possible candidate. These things include:

  • Your Contact Information
    We know, it’s crazy that we even have to say this, but you wouldn’t believe how many people leave this vital info off their resume or cover letter. Your contact information is the most basic piece of information that needs to be included in your resume if you plan on getting the job. After all, if a potential employer really likes your resume but there is no contact information, how in the world are they going to get in touch with you? Quick answer: they won’t. They will simply move on to the next resume in the pile and toss yours in trash.
  • A Brief Career Profile
    Whether you choose a chronological or a functional resume format, you will still want to include a list of your skills as well as any areas of expertise that you may have somewhere else for a potential employer to locate. This way, even if the person who is reading the resume is in a rush, they can find out the basics of who you are professionally quickly.
  • Education
    While it may not seem like necessity, including your educational history is just a measure of good faith. Employers at least want to know what the highest level of education you finished was, as it gives them a better idea of whether or not you will stick around should they hire you.

Still Uncomfortable Applying For Jobs?

If you read this article only to feel as though you don’t have hardly anything to put onto your resume that would impress employers, it’s not too late to do something about it. When you enroll in courses at the Professional Development Center, you can choose what skills you want to develop, allowing you to plan out a potential future for yourself. Uncover the many different classes we offer and find one that interests you so that you can impress anyone and everyone who sees your resume both now and later on in your career. Have questions about our courses or our center in general? Call us today and let us help you get started in no time.

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