We like to offer a good amount of career advice on this blog because we would consider ourselves mild experts. At the Professional Development Center of Glendale Community College, we have seen and met people from all walks of life and career fields, and therefore we know the many reasons people enroll in our courses. One of the main reasons we find that people are seeking new knowledge is that they are tired of working in their current job. If you find yourself no longer enjoying your job, there are a few important questions you should ask yourself before you you give up on it entirely. This article is written to help you determine if it’s actually your job that is making you miserable or if, perhaps, it’s just your mindset. Continue reading to learn more.

What is a bad job?

For the most part, a bad job is one that can be made better. If you are in a bad job, it’s likely that you have good days and you have bad days. For the most part, a bad job depends on your perception and likely does not have much to do with the actual work you are doing. If you have a co-worker who loves the same job that you have, chances are it’s a bad job…for you.

What is a miserable job?

On the other hand, miserable jobs exist too and these are entirely different from bad jobs. Many large corporations employ people who are working in a miserable job. If you relate with any of the following points, it’s likely that you are currently working in a miserable job:

  • If you do not feel as though you are understood because your work is not confirmed by superiors as providing value, you may be in a miserable job.
  • You feel as though you are unseen in your work. Every single day, you feel as though you are a cog in the machine.
  • There are no metrics regarding your success or failure. You have no idea how you are doing and therefore you have lost motivation.

If you are still unsure about whether it’s time to start your search for a new job, or even for a new career, you can discover the answer by asking yourself the questions that follow.

Question 1: Has your job changed or have you?

If there was once a part of your job that you really found joy in, there is a chance that you could get back to that if the job itself hasn’t changed. Conversely, if your job description and the tasks you complete on a daily basis are far different from what you were originally doing, then you may not be able to make the job into one that you don’t hate.

Question 2: What do you want in your career and in your life?

Deciding what you want it imperative if you are going to make the right decision regarding your career. We are by no means telling you that you shouldn’t pursue your dream or finding a new place to work. On the other hand, we think it is important for you to use a level-head to examine your current situation. Once you decide what it is that you want, develop a plan and work out the details so that you know you will succeed moving forward, enabling you to find a job that you truly love.

Question 3: What is your current reality?

The last question you should ask yourself is what your current reality is. Think about the good things your job provides to you instead of just the bad things that you fixate on daily. If you truly cannot come up with any, then that is your answer. You may find, however, that there are plenty of things you really do like about your current reality that you perhaps have just lost focus of along the way.

Get Help Finding The Right Career Path For You

If you are in a miserable job and you’re ready to make a change, the next step may be enrolling at the Professional Development Center at Glendale Community College. Acquiring new skills is a great way to ensure that you are working towards the future you want. Learn more when you contact us now!

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