While you may not think about it often, it is likely that you, like most other Americans have a great fear of failure. When you work in a corporate environment, this fear can become exasperating, especially if you are in a leadership position. You may find that you are often second guessing things you say and do. You may sometimes feel as though you are not living up to your potential. Whatever worries you hold about being a bad leader, let us assure you, you are not alone. In fact, there’s a good chance that the leaders you work alongside every day are experiencing the exact same emotions and insecurities. But being a great leader does require that you overcome these fears and truly believe you are capable of exceeding even your own expectations. Let talk about some of the most common fears that prevent people from becoming the amazing leader they are meant to be.

You’re Afraid To Take Risks

Regardless of what leadership position you are in, you have to be willing to take a risk from time to time. This is often very scary for people because with risk comes the opportunity to fail as well. Instead of focusing on what may go wrong, however, try to focus on the many things that could possibly go right. A positive attitude will render positive results.

You’re Afraid To Appear Vulnerable

If the position you are in requires that you are visible most of the time, rather than working under the radar, you may feel a little uncomfortable. However, hiding isn’t going to get you the reputation of being a good leader. Instead, you should embrace your spotlight. Be engaging, be fun, be persuasive, empowered and charismatic. Be a magnet that your subordinates are drawn to and there will be nothing to fear.

fears-side-page-content-image-01-09-17You’re Afraid You Have Nothing Of Value To Say

If you are someone who tends to avoid confrontation, you may find that you are sitting through meetings without ever voicing your opinion. If this is the case, you have to understand that to become a great leader you must learn how to share your authentic voice when it comes to ideas or opinions that are important to you. This doesn’t mean you have to control every meeting with constant bolstering interruptions. Instead, try to force yourself to speak up at least once a month when the topic is something you feel passionately about.

You’re Afraid To Change Your Routine

While you may see it as “the right way to do things,” your routine may be holding you back from becoming the leader you are meant to be. If you are afraid of changing how you go about your day-to-day, it’s a good idea to begin making small changes first. Whether it’s forcing yourself to stay off social media during certain hours or simply taking a walk around the office every once in awhile to check on your team members, small changes can open you up to making larger ones in the future. This will lead to you taking more risks, which we have already determined is important.

You’re Afraid To Be Rejected

Deep down aren’t we all afraid of rejection? If we don’t give our very best as a leader we cannot expect to be given the approval, encouragement and support from others that we so desperately desire. However, it starts with you. Prepare yourself for the possibility that not every idea you have is a brilliant one and that others may not be on board. It’s okay. It’s your job as a leader to get the ball rolling so that better ideas can be cultivated.